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We welcome you to another  topic today, but before then I want to celebrate you and congratulate every body that witness today, despite the epidemic in the whole wide world we are here in abundance of the lord.

Let us pray
Heavenly father we want to thank you for a day like this, we thank you because you deem it feet for all of us to be here today  in abundance health, we are here celebrating and rejoicing with each other with the glory of the Lord, we are going into your word brriefly Father go with us, let your word satisfy us and let your word bless us, thank you heavenly father for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
Celebrate Jesus

  Today briefly we want to talk about the joy of the lord, our text will be taken from the book of Nehemiah, Prophet Nehemiah,  8:10, I will read from king James version.
 What is joy of the lord?
 What is joy?
 Joy is an inner intense that gives continuous happiness within you.
 It is not happiness but joy.
 It is the intense of mind, intense of that thing that gives you goodness of the heart.

Happiness is a sudden joy, joy is everlasting happiness.

How do I know it? Because prophet Nehemiah said that the joy of the lord is our strength.

 Why is Joy itself? Have told you that joy is intense of happiness that radiate in our life. Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of our lives.
 The quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright and we shall have no choice to praise God.

 There must be a  situation before we can see the joy, in that book that we just read now, the people of Israelites were captured and taken to Babylon and there was a situation for them to build a ruined Jerusalem and the Temple, they asked the king can we go back and build  Jerusalem and he said go and build it but before they left they have to celebrate their lives and the day before the day there were to go  Nehemiah said go and make feast give to the poor because this is your day and the joy that you have today will give you his presence.
 Do you know that Jesus Christ is Joy, the Bible recorded that he will be a child that will bring Joy . He his a tiding himself the lord Jesus Christ is a joy himself when the Lord Jesus Christ is in your belly the joy will radiate in your life and when you continually abide in the life of Holiness, abide with Christ, Jesus Christ want us to be Holy so you will have what we called everlasting joy .
Upon Every situation, upon difficulty, the joy  will radiate.
 This  makes me go into what is happening in the whole world, we have the pandemic but don't worry let  Jesus Christ bring joy in your life and you will continually be happy in respective of the situation you are.

 The joy of the lord will continually radiate in your life in Jesus name.
What is the importance of joy we are talking about?

Before we talk about the importance of joy when the joy is yet to come into you, when you have the fullness of joy you have the strength to go wherever you want to go.
 let's read exodus 12:35, this is a story that we know very well, when the Israelites prepared to leave Egypt, the lord told them they should go to the house of the Egyptian, go and borrow things from them, you know why? It is  because that is their own portion of the things they have rendered to the Egyptian, because the Lord is with you, you will recover every of your loss property.

 The Lord told moses tell them, go to ther houses and borrow their gold and silver it belongs to you, carry them. you will think that how can somebody you know will not come back to you again borrow them from you and you are giving it to them, that is the joy that works in your life, it gives you power to do mightily , power to perform, they went to the Egyptian house Collect everything there need to collect and left, those people did not think about what they are giving to them.

 Another one is in 1sam13, let me read, this is a story of David when he was in the camp, the enemy came and ransack the whole place and they left. David asked the Lord can I pursue and the lord say pursue and it was because  the joy of the lord was with David so David can have the strength to pursue them, he said can I pursue them he said pursue them he said will I overtake them and God said you will overtake them I cry unto the Lord today, every of your properties taken away by your enemy, when the joy of the lord come into your life today you will overtake it and recover them today in the mighty name of Jesus.
 I say you will overtake them in the mighty name of Jesus.
 He went, overtook and recover them and  destroy them. You will destroy your enemy today

what is the importance of Joy
The first one is when the joy come over you.
What happen, the king himself pleaded for it. Psalm 51:12-15.

 David pleaded for the joy of the lord to be returned in  his life, David lost that joy because of awful sin with basheeba and the man slaughter of her husband as a result of her pregnancy, David hid that sin in his heart but it was not hidden from God and it was almost certain that the population of Jerusalem knew of his transgressions and finally when face with this sin through prophet Nathan he vexed up and he beg with his sin before God , David cried for some important thing as he repented of his sin and one of those request was the return of joy of the Lord. When you have sin against the Lord you can plead for the Lord to return that joy to you and that is what David did, he plead for it and he  got it.

The second one is the king prayed for it, Jesus not just a king Jesus prayed to the father that you and i might have the joy and the joy will be full in our life look at John 17:13-16, the king prayed for it, Jesus Christ prayed for the joy thats is the importance of the joy, because he himself is joy because he pray for it and he get it . So we can get the joy from Jesus Christ free of charge, so my dear brother and sister the joy of the Lord, the Lord has paid for it and he has gotten it so it is free of charge for you and i today. So praise the Lord.

You can get the joy of the Lord by asking for it, you can ask for it and get it and when you get this joy in you you will have strength, how can   one person pursue, overtake and  recover and get everything that there have taken from him, that is joy that he has ask for. The Lord told him I have given you the joy I have given him the strength because joy and strength are going together, when the joy fall on you that strength will come on you and you will perform Miracles.

 When Peter was still with Jesus He was afraid of everything even simple maid came to him and ask are you with Jesus Christ he denied and said noo I have never seen him before but when Jesus left and bring the joy, comforter to him he can now perform miracles. In a single day he acquired souls to the kingdom, three thousand to the kingdom, Peter that couldn't do anything when the joy has not settled with him, He now performs miracles, he now do many things that Normally he cannot do, he now perform miracle having many people coming to the fold of the kingdom, what a beautiful joy we are talking about, it is free of charge,  that is why Nehemiah said go and eat go and do whatever you want to do because is the joy of the lord, which is your strength, the strength to build Jerusalem, the joy to move from Babylon to Jerusalem, the power to carry on and build the temple for the lord, the power to do exploit the power to do many things given to you and be happy, you can get it, it is for you to just ask for it and you will get it. Are you  afraid of corona virus, or pandemic in the country now? there is one thing you need to do,  Ask for the joy of the Lord to be full with you and you will perform miracle.

 Praise the Lord.
Can you get the joy of the lord? My answer is yes you can get it.
How can you get it? The first thing that you need to do is for you to improve in our word,for you to get the joy you need to improve in your word, Nehemiah was showing the people that joy was essentially for the continuation of the work that was to be done in Jerusalem. For the lord listen to why he was  saying and he given the the joy for them to do that. Paul say  rejoice in the lord always and again rejoice because the joy of the lord will work a a new thing

2) Improve your worship.
When you improve your worship to the lord your joy will be filled, there will be a fullnes of joy when you improve your worship, you worship like never before, worship in his Holiness, worship the Lord in  in the morning, afternoon and night and joy will be Given to you. It is difficult to imagine someone  truly worshiping God without a measure of divine joy yet I have seen people doing worship who look like there were baptized in joy but it was not given to them Psalm 100 is a perfect example of what worship ought to be and can be.

3) Improve in your witness.
A young girl became a Christian in an exciting revival at her church she was baptised the next Sunday morning, when you witness to the lord you are satisfying the commandments of the lord.
 Mathew 28 said go ye into the world just go  be my witness do these and do that is a commandment of the Lord, when you have done that the joy will come to you naturally and you will have the spirit and power to do work. Ask Philip, Philip from a disciple became an evangelist witnessing all over Judea,Samaria and other parts of the world and the strength of the Lord was with him. When you have the joy of the Lord you will not think of anything, when Steven was about to die he looked at the Lord and you can see the joy in him, he was laughing and earthly things was nothing to him, he was about to catch the fullness of the joy. Improve your witness.

4) Improve our well-being.
 Almost everyone here is familiar with proverb 17:20.
A cheer full heart I good. improve your well being so every where you go laugh and smile, radiate with people with happiness and joy, don't squeeze your face, don't be like person who is facing the world without getting through the world, let people see you and see happiness, let people see you and see the epitome of Christ in you, improve your well being, don't carry grudges in your life, let joy come in your well being be cheerful, give cheerfully, be cheerful and make laughter your lifestyle. It is good to show your cheerfulness to your neighbors and the joy will come ordinary in your life.
The Impacting of joy.
We have looked at the important of joy and the improvement made to us when we practice this joy but  let us consider the Impacting of this joy to our soul.
 How do we introduce this Joy to our soul how?

1) By  being in the presence of the Lord Psalm 16:11, that's enough, stand in the presence of the Lord because in the presence of the Lord there is fulness of joy. In any situation my dear bro and sister when you are in the presence of the Lord that fullness of joy will make every impossible to be possible, when you are in the present of the Lord your joy will be full and when your joy is full every thing that looks impossible become possible in your life

2) Let the Spirit of the Lord be upon you. When the Spirit of the lord was upon Jesus Christ he was able to do different things, let the Spirit be upon you,the Spirit itself is joy so let it fall upon you so you can  perform miracles, heal and do marvelous things.
The Lord desire to fill us with joy by filling us with the holy Spirit. Let's read the scriptures in Psalm 45:7, it is the holy spirit given to Jesus Christ, it is the Spirit of joy.

3)The word of the Lord
The word of the lord is contained in the Bible, Joshua said let this word  not depart from me  I will meditate in it day and night for it will give you joy. Let it not depart from you, let it be your walking stick, it kills pains, it is miracle book, it is a Complete book, it is written by the inspiration . Any Christian that reject the book will regret his life, the word of the lord bring life. You must have time to read the word of the lord daily and let the Lord speak to you out of the word.
In conclusion I want you to look at one thing in life, we face challenges and difficulties every day and every minute.
According to our Father in the Lord there are so many mountain in front of us, we can do so many things to them but if you have the joy of the lord you will fly over the mountains you will not think that there is mountain.
 May the Lord give you strength and joy to reduce your mountains.
You need to seek for the joy of the lord, you need to seek for the perfect presence of the lord, the holySpirit and do not let this word(Bible) depart from you.
When you do that there will be no virus, pandemic in this world that will affect you or anything bad  because you carry that joy in you.
The Lord bless us and add joy to our joy so our joy become an unspeakable joy ,so that it becomes and unthinkable joy, our joy will break every reproach in our life
Prayer points
1)Cry unto the Lord for his joy to settle in my life, let it lead you to greener pastures.

2) Cry  unto him and say Father let me continually abide in your presence.

3) Say Father I need your Spirit let your holy Spirit guide me.

4) Say Father let your word continually be in me , let is be my guide, let it abide in me.

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