Offset vows to win Cardi B back

Offset-vows to win back Cardi B after their bitter public split
Offset is determined to stay married to the “Money” rapper.
A source close to Offset spoke to Hollywood Life and revealed that he isn’t giving up without a fight.
“Offset feels heartbroken over his split,” the source told HollywoodLife.
“He has major regrets over some of the mistakes he made in their relationship,” the source said.
Cardi said “it’s nobody’s fault,” but then the alleged mistress Summer Bunni released a “[He] does not want to believe that it is over for good,” the source told HL.
“Offset blames a lot of the haters, online trolls and Cardi’s obsessive fans for contributing to their breakup.”
He never felt so much pressure in a relationship as he did with Cardi which made things challenging,” the source goes on. “He still has a lot of love for Cardi, still finds her sexy. And beautiful as ever and does not want to lose her in his life.

“He’s giving Cardi a little space to cool down, but he’s very hopeful they can work this out[…] He has good reason to think they can [work this out] too, because this is not the first time she has broken up with him…

He’s convinced once she calms down, they can fix this because they have real love and a family. He also swears that he didn’t do anything wrong, that Cardi has it all twisted this time. He obviously has made some big mistakes in the past, but he says this time it’s a set up.” video of her crying over being the cause of the split. *cue the violins*
Offset vows

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