‘Fayemi not appointing ‘foreigners’ into cabinet’

The Wife of the Governor of Ekiti State, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, has denied the allegation that her husband, Dr. Kayode Fayemi was appointing expatriate into his government.
Mrs Fayemi stated that those that had been appointed in the last two months of her husband’s administration were more of homegrown politicians, contrary to the insinuation that expatriates have taken over the government.
The governor’s wife also said the best way Ekiti people can overcome the onerous impediment of poverty is to reignite the culture of being ‘our brother’s keepers’, where the wealthy would learn how to render helps to the poor and vulnerable in the society.
Mrs Fayemi spoke in Ado Ekiti on Friday while delivering a lecture theme: ‘Reclaiming our Lands, Restoring our Values: Beyond Slogan’ , to mark the 2018 Press Week of the Nigeria Union of Journalists(NUJ), Ekiti state chapter.
While delivering her lecture, Mrs Fayemi said: “The rumour mongers have started again the way they did in our first term where a governor that did well to empower the people, make life abundant for the people of Ekiti and worked hard to uplift our values were said to have lost election as a result of disconnect from the people, which was a lie.
“In any political contest, one will lose and the other will win. Was it the Secretary to the State government or the Chief of Staff or some of them that are present with me in this gathering that are expatriates? Who among the appointees?
“They have started this time and we are not going to tolerate them to defame our government with their rumour. This time we are ready for these rumour peddlers”, she said.
The first lady added that the well-articulated policy thrust of Dr Fayemi was predicated on Social Investments, Infrastructure Development, Knowledge Economy, Agriculture and Rural Development, saying all these would be prosecuted to latter to add values to Ekiti and make life abundant and accelerate the living condition of the downtrodden masses.
“This was the policy thrust through which Fayemi campaigned to Ekiti people and which resonated deeply with the good people of Ekiti State. The campaign theme did not need to be explained because it is crystal clear. There was a broad based consensus across the State and beyond that something had gone seriously wrong, and that wrong had to be corrected before it was too late”
“It is obvious that all sectors of our national life are reeling from a crisis of values. The definitive elements of the national moral condition include a raging culture of instant gratification that feeds short termism, profiteering, and fraud.
“In the aftermath of the June 2014 elections, a number of narratives emerged about the reasons why Dr. Fayemi lost, most of them tainted with half-truths, outright lies, and distortions. In every political contest, someone will win and some people will lose, and it is okay to try to identify reasons for political failure or glory.”
“In his words during his inauguration speech, Fayemi affirmed that he would fight to restore our glories in education when Ekiti was the real Fountain of Knowledge, rekindle our family values when one will be poor but won’t sleep hungry or beg for food, bring back virtues of industry, honesty, sincerity and many others”, she stated.

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