Mr Taiwo loves toasting his egusi seeds before use.
“I love to toast (dry roast) my egusi before grinding it and using for any cooking. It gives it a nutty aroma and taste different. On a dry frying pan, add the egusi. Over medium heat keep stirring so it does not burn. It would start making light popping sounds like pop corn. Remove from pan and spread on tray. Let it cool down before grinding. #loveallnigerianrecipes”
Love you too Taiwo!
The image above is Taiwo’s egusi seeds after toasting. You can see that the egusi seeds have signs of browning. This method of toasting Egusi seeds before using it in Egusi Soup or other meals you use egusi in enhances the taste of your Egusi Soups. Add ogiri okpei (iru, dawa dawa) and the taste will hit the correct grassroots level.

Watch the video below to see me roasting raw groundnuts for Groundnut Soup. It’s similar to the method Lola described above for egusi seeds.
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