Lagos Calabar rail controversy : What everyone should know

Lagos Calabar rail controversy : What everyone should know

There is an intense effort by some people to change the narrative regarding the controversial Lagos-Calabar rail project.

The current spin been sold is that SE&SS senators are against the progress of their people, so as to spite this administration, Also that the NASS is filled with bigoted northern senators who are out to disenfranchise the south with the southern senators doing nothing.

We can go on and debate what this controversy is all about, Spin doctors from both parties can continue to try to use this to further their political agenda, but in the midst of all this noise, it is important we put context to everything, look at the essence of this controversy and decide what the debate should really be about.

Let's start with the facts on the ground.

1. The presidency failed to submit this item in her original budget to the senate.
2. A minister tried to get the item in by approaching the senate
3. The Minster failed in doing so, given that at the end of the day, the executive discovered it wasn't added, hence all the controversy.

In between these 3 events, there are a lot of controversies, At this point it is important to put everything in context, focusing on the essence of what this controversy really represents.

The Fist Context is

1. We have an incompetent Executive - The current budget fiasco paints the executive as a bunch of confused people with no strong coordination internal and externally with Nigerians. Starting from a shoddy budget that went missing, the budget padding controversy and now the failure to adequately communicate what has really transpired in this Lagos - Calabar issue. Instead, she has chosen to throw blames as opposed to really taking responsibility and proposing a way to fix this situation. Committing gaffes upon gaffes for something very sensitive as the budget that powers the livelihood of over 200million Nigerians is a grouse sign of incompetence APC would never tolerate this from PDP if they were the opposition.

2. We have a disunited Ruling party - One of the key benefits of been the ruling party and also winning majority of seats in the House of assembly is that this helps the executive get things done. It aids easy communication and implementation of projects and visions of the executive because every member of the party understands that the success of the executive means the success of their party and them as well.

A dis-United APC is dangerous for Nigeria's progress, it's like APC is the ruling and opposing party. This is not what APC promised Nigerians. This should be the real subject of discussion, not the tribal bigoted crap that is trailing this debate.

APC should be tasked by Nigerians to get their house in other and deliver, as opposed to fighting themselves, allowing Nigerians that voted them in, to be the ground that suffers from their in-house shenanigans.

We need leadership yesterday, Nigeria must come first before party

3. SS & SE senators are not only to blame for their oversight and failure to speak up : The current spin by some Bigots is that the SS & SE senators in their bid to spite the Minister of Transport and the executive looked the other way as this project was omitted. This premise was established, Intentionally absolving the SW senators from any blame forgetting that this project will also benefit the SW. This is bigotry hiding under the facade of we are fight, for the interest of the SS and SE. While everyone know that you really don't care.

Ideally, all Southern senators are to be blamed for not standing and fighting for a project that will benefit their regions this is not a PDP or APC blame game this is the fact that our southern senators need to seat up and defend the interest of the people who put them there.

Your people must come first before the party.

4. Nigeria under the APC is becoming more disunited than ever: Truth be told the last election really did more harm to Nigeria's unity only topped by the civil war. The APC government instead of healing the wounds and uniting the nation is doing a much shoddy job that is further disuniting the nation, either through unchecked statements by the executive, the actions and inactions of the executive etc.

Allowing controversies like this to fester seems like the APC is comfortable been the party for the 95% as opposed to a party for all. The overall position and vibe of the Ruling party and her team of foot soldiers, tireless tries to drive home this fact.

That been said the real question is after the blame throwing where do we go from here as a nation. Will the APC seat up and truly provide the leadership this nation truly needs or will she continue to chase the wind for the next 3 years

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