Exposed: Neo-Nazi twisted sister poster girls who idolise Hitler and are interested in 'blowing up mosques'

Chelsea and Samantha Lambie are face of sickening Scots neo-Nazi movement
Chelsea and Samantha Lambie are poster girls for a sickening neo-Nazi movement
These blonde-haired sisters have become poster girls for a neo- Nazi movement - with one even having served jail time for desecrating a mosque.
Chelsea Lambie, 20, and her sibling Samantha, 25, are at the forefront of Scottish Defence League race-hate campaigns, the Daily Record reports.
They both idolise Hitler, are engaged to men who support the league's right-wing bigots and appear on online propaganda posters promoting neo-Nazi causes.
Chelsea, who once called an Asian shopkeeper a 'black b*****d, even lists her interests on social media as 'blowing up mosques'.
While the younger of the pair has been jailed for crimes against Muslims, her older sister brandishes bigoted banners at anti-refugee marches.
Daily RecordOne of the siblings brandishes a bigoted sign at an anti-refugee protest
One of the siblings brandishes a bigoted sign at an anti-refugee protest
The siblings, who are both mums, have been named and shamed by the Record today as poster girls for Scotland's neo-Nazi movement.
When Chelsea was 16, she was fined for hurling racist abuse at the Asian shopkeeper, as well as pushing him and threatening to slit his throat.
Two years later, aged 18, she became a cause celebre for the European neo-Nazi movement when she was jailed for desecrating an Edinburgh mosque by throwing pork into the place of worship and wrapping strips of bacon on the door handles.
On her release from Cornton Vale jail near Stirling, Chelsea's father proudly posted pictures of Chelsea and her son outside the prison with the caption “Freedom!”.
Samantha, 25, who refers to refugees as rapists, is a regular at SDL marches, where she proudly poses for the cameras as she brandishes banners bearing bigoted slogans.
FacebookSamantha, who refers to refugees as rapists, is a regular at Scottish Defence League marches
Samantha, who refers to refugees as rapists, is a regular at Scottish Defence League marches
Mari McKinlay, who helps run the Scotland United Against the Racist SDL page on Facebook, said: “Samantha Lambie is an eye-catching young woman but there are some ugly views behind the pretty face.
“Samantha has been pictured in a T-shirt bearing the badge of the SS unit responsible for administering Hitler’s concentration camps. It is hard to get more sickening and offensive than that.”
Samantha has posted pictures adorned with symbols of Nazi death masks and the insignia of white supremacists.
Chelsea lists her favourite book as Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Extremism is in the pair’s genes.Their parents Craig and Ann Marie were named on an alleged list of supporters of Blood and Honour, a neo-Nazi organisation.
Ann Marie knits disgusting golliwog baby blankets and her email is dessa 1488.
Daily RecordChelsea is seen on her release from prison with her dad, Craig, and her son
Chelsea is seen on her release from prison with her dad, Craig, and her son
Dessa is a reference to the Nazis’ underground network Odessa and 1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols.
The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the “14 Words” slogan: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
The second is 88, which stands for “Heil Hitler”, H being the eighth letter of the alphabet.
Even Craig’s pitbull is named Dessa. Abhorrent pet names are the Lambies’ idea of a joke. Chelsea's cat is called C***, a highly offensive term for black people.
Chelsea’s fiance is Josh Wood, who has an SDL tattoo.
He attends SDL rallies, refers to Muslims as scum and jokes about burning mosques and having a party when all Muslims die.
Samantha refers to black people as n*****s and signs off posts with the Heil Hitler reference 88.
Daily RecordSamantha with her fiance, Ryan McCue, who likes to be known as Ryan McCrusadersdl
Samantha with her fiance, Ryan McCue, who likes to be known as Ryan McCrusadersdl
Among her “likes”, she lists the British Movement Scotland, a white supremacist organisation, and Fascist is a Gentleman, who idolise fascist leaders Mussolini, Mosley and Hitler.
Samantha is engaged to Ryan McCue, one of the SDL’s inner circle and most enthusiastic activists.
He is a white supremacist and follower of the National Front and groups including White and Proud.
Samantha and Ryan have fronted SDL anti-refugee marches in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dumfries.
She also attended a rally in support of the Greek neo-Nazi movement Golden Dawn.

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